Hi there


I'm Ertugrul Sagdic

Software Engineer

I build software with a passion to make a meaningful impact with every line of code. My engineering journey is defined by pushing boundaries in research, progress, and continuous improvement.

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More about me

From the vibrant streets of Istanbul to the scholarly corridors of Lamar University in Texas, my software engineering journey is marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Marmara University and Master’s at Lamar University, I am deeply committed to advancing in technology and software development.

Away from the keyboard, you might find me delving into the latest tech trends, lifting weights at the gym, enjoying a good book, or unwinding with my favorite TV shows. I believe in maintaining a balanced life to fuel creativity and innovation.

Throughout my career, I've navigated through diverse roles that have each contributed to my development:

  • Mobile Application Development: Engineered intuitive mobile interfaces to enhance user experience and functionality.

  • Full Stack Web Application Development: As a key full-stack engineer, I engineered theContinuous Improvement Softwareproject using Node JS and React JS to automate suggestion, kaizen, and near-miss workflows, serving over 1,000 users across four companies.

  • Research in Machine Learning: Created a novel dataset generator for skin lesion analysis and developed real-time anomaly detection algorithms, pushing the boundaries of AI.

Each role has been a stepping stone towards a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of software development. My goal is always to build software that every line of code not only functional but also impactful

Here are a the technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • Python
  • TensorFlow
  • PyTorch
  • TypeScript
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • React
  • Node.js
  • SQL (PostgreSQL)
  • NoSQL (MongoDB)
  • Docker
  • Git
  • Agile

My Professional experience

Research Assistant

@Lamar University

January 2023 - Present

  • Development and Analysis of Anomaly Detection Systems for Buckeye Partners Supervised by Dr. Zhang:
    • Collaborated with Buckeye to collect and analyze sensor data from pumps, creating a verified dataset.
    • Trained machine learning models, including AutoEncoders, TranAD, and SAMFormer, for data labeling, anomaly detection, and forecasting.
    • Created open-source RESTful APIs with Flask and a NextJS web interface to manage and display results.
  • Development of Dataset Generator and Evaluation of Deep Learning Models Supervised by Dr. Kockara:
    • Engineered TBPGen with C# and Unity Engine, generating 1,398 diverse total body photography images.
    • Evaluated skin lesion detection and segmentation using Python/Pytorch across 13 deep learning models.
    • Achieved 90% of IoU and F1 scores, demonstrating the TBPGen dataset’s enhancement in detection and segmentation accuracy.

Some Projects I've worked on

Logo of Portfolio Website
Portfolio Website

Designed and developed a personal portfolio website using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Typescript
Logo of DevGPT Mining Challenge
DevGPT Mining Challenge

Performed topic modeling on developer interactions with ChatGPT to identify common discussion themes.

  • Python
  • Data Analysis
  • NLP
Logo of Cat Facts WebApp
Cat Facts WebApp

A website that displays random cat facts using HTMX and Flask by using the Cat Facts API.

  • Python
  • Flask
  • HTMX
Logo of WaSeat Transport App
WaSeat Transport App

Mobile app for tracking transportation routes and carbon footprint. Achieved 2nd place in the Flutter hackathon.

  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • Firebase
Logo of Flutter Code Generator
Flutter Code Generator

A VS Code extension to automate Flutter architecture file generation for Flutter applications.

  • Javascript
  • VS Code Extension
Logo of Ahtapot Marin Website
Ahtapot Marin Website

A responsive website with React, featuring product listings, and contact information.

  • React
  • CSS
  • Firebase